We’ve posted about it before, we’ll post about it again. Growth in our city is always a positive thing. That’s why we’re so happy to be a part of the Hopkinsville Dog Park fundraising effort. Since we are dog lovers it makes for a fun project, but ultimately it means growth for Hopkinsville – an initiative we can always get on board with.
Today marked the fundraising kickoff for the Hopkinsville Dog Park. The unveiling of the proposed park plans was followed by an explanation of the need for fundraising.
The City of Hopkinsville allotted the land purchased by the Hopkinsville Surface and Storm Water Utility as part of a larger drainage project for the park. And though the Hopkinsville City Council approved $50,000 for use towards the Dog Park in 2015-16’s budget, the Hopkinsville Dog Park is a public-private partnership. The Hopkinsville-Christian and Todd County Association of Realtors is the primary (private) fundraising organizer and advocate for the Hopkinsville Dog Park. Infrastructure and a portion of the construction costs will be covered within the $50,000 allotted to the project; however, further fundraising and sponsorships are needed to turn the land in to a dog park.
We’re not in the dog business (don’t let our four-legged staffer Murray hear that!), so where does Williams Advertising fit with this initiative? Mixing our marketing services with experience in developing corporate sponsorships and partnerships, Williams created the fundraising campaign logo, sponsorship opportunities packet, we help manage the Hopkinsville Dog Park Facebook page, and we collaborated with the fundraising team to promote the programs contained in the sponsorship packet. And of course on the promotional products side, we’re providing the apparel being sold as a fundraiser for the park.
Next up for the Hopkinsville Dog Park is fundraising – enough so that we can complete Phase One. To make the park a more enjoyable spot for dogs and humans alike, we (we=dog lovers of Hopkinsville!) need to raise additional funds to install dog-friendly activities (Phase Two). Every dollar counts, and the fundraising committee is looking for help by way of time given as well. We need volunteers to help with the fundraising effort! Whether it’s time, becoming an activity sponsor, a dog bone sponsor, or donating infrastructure items, the Hopkinsville Dog Park welcomes all assistance. Please email [email protected] for more information on getting involved, and continue to watch Hopkinsville Dog Park on Facebook.
Visit the City of Hopkinsville website in the coming days to download the Sponsorship Opportunities packet, or click on images below to view the packet pages.
- Volunteers. We need people to help reach out to local companies that may be interested in corporate sponsorship. Email [email protected] to sign up.
- Corporate Donors. Both monetary and in-kind opportunities exist. Email [email protected] for more information or to reserve your sponsorship.
- Individual Donors. Donations may be made to the Hopkinsville Board of Realtors office at 100 W. 4th Street Hopkinsville, KY 42240, during your next visit to BB&T, or by visiting the GoFundMe account.
- People that love cute t-shirts. Visit Facebook to check these out for now – our dedicated online store is under construction.