When the Christian County Chamber of Commerce needed an eye-catching (you’ll see in a minute what we did there!) and fun way to distribute the Community Vision Plan, they called on Christian County’s own Williams Advertising for this unique USB flash drive.
Tuesday, May 5 is the Eye Opener Breakfast – State of the Community 2015 (shout-out to the local companies making that possible: Hopkinsville Electric System and EnergyNet, United Southern Bank and Fort Campbell Federal Credit Union). The breakfast will be held at the James E. Bruce Convention Center at 7 AM. During this breakfast, community leaders will discuss the progress of our community. At that time, they will launch the Community Vision Plan 2020: A Clear Vision.
Each attendee of the breakfast will get to take home the unveiled Community Vision Plan 2020 on their very own custom-designed USB flash drive. We had some fun with the “clear vision” theme of the Community Vision Plan – through the glasses on the USB, you’ll see the focus is on Hopkinsville & Christian County. Not only does the design highlight the contents on the drive, but it’s the size and thickness of a credit card or keycard. Not your typical promotional product USB, this USB flash drive is the thinnest of its kind, easily able to be stowed in a pocket or in a wallet.
For those of you reading ahead before receiving your USB flash drive at Tuesday’s event, you just push down on the small hole (perfect for putting the USB on a lanyard) and the drive itself swings right out.
We’re so happy to have had the opportunity to work with the Chamber on this project, and we can’t wait to hear about the future plans for our community on Tuesday!
Tuesday’s Eye Opener Breakfast will be held at the James E. Bruce Convention Center at 303 Conference Center Drive, Hopkinsville, KY 42240. For more information about this event, please visit the Christian County Chamber of Commerce website or contact the Christian County Chamber of Commerce at 270-885-9096.