In early February, Williams reps Sarah and Freddie attended the PPAMS show in Nashville, TN.  Hot items at the show included power banks, cell phone wallets, and some great new gift items.  Check out some of our favorites!


For the dog lover, these custom packs are perfect for anyone entering a customer's home, or for that business who sees furry friends occasionally at their window!

For the dog lover, these custom packs are perfect for anyone entering a customer’s home, or for that business who sees furry friends occasionally at their window!


You can't see it here, but the power bank on the right actually displays your image.  Very cool twist to the still-new power bank item!

You can’t see it here, but the power bank on the right actually displays your image. Very cool twist to the still-new power bank item!

So we had to come home and mock one of these up, these are just a great idea for someone on the go.

So we had to come home and mock one of these up, these are just a great idea for someone on the go.