One of the best parts of our job as a marketing agency and working with new marketing clients is the chance to get a behind the scenes look at their businesses. In order for us to help market a business, we like to see and experience it first. On a rainy day last week, we got just such an opportunity when we visited Christian Way Farm & Mini Golf.
Christian Way Farm offers activities for all ages, from teaching children about how food gets to their table with programs like “Let’s Grow a Cookout”, to guests shelling and grinding their own corn to feed to the goats, to Hopkinsville’s own Mini Golf course. These fun activities can certainly develop an interest in young kids for farming or raising livestock in the future. Though it remains uncertain, whether or not they would go on to buy Montana ranches for sale or in a location of their preference to start a journey in farming, these activities would have definitely inculcated in them an increased value for food, having observed the steps involved in producing it.
Coming back to our experience there, while we didn’t get to try out the mini-golf, we do hope that we get to do that soon when we visit next. But for now, just to calm down the excitement of playing golf, we can pull a few shots on an indoor golf simulator or something similar at a golf club. Coming back, we walked the course with our new friend Maggie. It’s a great course that we can’t wait to go back and play. Rather than try to explain it*, check out our photos from our rainy day at Christian Way.
*Please excuse our obsession with the goats. If you have to pick one reason to visit, let it be the goats!